Partying Neighbors

Are the neighbors having a little too much fun on your block?

Back in the day, YOU may have been the life of the party! “Aint’ slowin’ down ‘til the sun comes up” and all that. Fun times! But, things have changed a bit and life moves on. Now you’ve got responsibilities, a job, a family…children.  You still like to get your groove on as much as the next guy, but now there’s a cut-off time.  One the neighbors don’t seem to know about…

Often we live in a subdivision, a certain block or neighborhood, and it seems so peaceful for a while.  And then, as we’re enjoying life in a nice quiet place, the first party pops up. And it never seems to end, maybe even long after you’ve attended the party and gone home to bed. After that, the parties just keep coming. No one wants to be Debbie Downer, but things have really gotten out of hand.

So, what can you do about the party crowd that’s keeping you and your family up at night?

Check Your City Ordinances – Most cities have quiet time hours that usually begin at 11pm.   However, in suburban or rural communities with a lower population density, such ordinances may not be in place. If your city does have one, try having a conversation with the party organizers to see if they might comply, or at least move things indoors when it gets later, and turn down the volume a bit.

Call the Police – This generally isn’t our first choice, but if the hosts are just completely inconsiderate, there may not be another choice.  Repeated offenses may result in fines, which will hopefully be a deterrent and help keep things from staying out-of-control.

Consider Relocation – Sometimes it’s just not going to change. At LEAP Properties we’ll buy your Houston house quickly for cash, so you can find a more peaceful place for your family. Call us today at 832-554-4775.

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